If you are currently under threat of foreclosure, you do not have to face it alone. I can stop your foreclosure in its tracks and help you to save your home.
Foreclosure occurs when you are behind on your mortgage payments, and the mortgage company (or bank) decides to take the house it is holding as collateral for your loan from you by law. A foreclosure sale date is set and notice is given to the “world” that your home will be sold on a particular day and time. The notice is usually run in a local newspaper three weeks consecutive, and oftentimes also appears online. Unless the foreclosure is stopped, the foreclosing attorney appears at the steps of the courthouse at the county in which you live and “cries out” the foreclosure sale, asking anyone who appears to make a bid on the property. Typically, if no one shows up to buy the property, the mortgage company will buy the property themselves at the foreclosure sale for the amount that is owed against the property.
The important thing to understand about this process is that once a foreclosure sale occurs, you no longer own the property, and it is too late to do anything to keep the property.
As I write this, in March of 2021, many mortgage companies are attempting to work with borrowers until the pandemic is over. There are a wide range of what is being done, but mortgage holders seem to be holding off on foreclosing borrowers who are behind on their mortgages, offering some temporary workouts like putting the missed payments to the end of the note or otherwise allowing payments to be missed without starting a foreclosure proceeding.
The problem is that when the pandemic is over, we don’t know what mortgage companies are going to do? Are they going to demand all missed payments at once? Are they going to allow the missed payments to be caught up by paying “extra” on the regular mortgage payments until the borrower is current? These are all unknowns at this point in time.
One thing is for certain. If you get a foreclosure notice, you need to contact an attorney IMMEDIATELY to avoid losing your home. By the time a foreclosure is declared in Tennessee, the borrower usually has 3 weeks or less before the sale. Do not waste critical time by putting off talking to an attorney.